A Singular Design Fair Takes Flight
Collective 2 Design Fair – Part I of II
The design world has spoken. Collective 2 is the fair to beat! I’ve been talking to various designers, collectors, editors, and design aficionados, both in New York and overseas, and they all had positive comments regarding Steven Learner’s second edition of the Collective Design Fair. Opening Night is usually a strong indicator of a fair’s popularity, and this one was well attended by renowned interior designers like Robert Couturier, Geoffrey Bradfield, Jacques Grange to name a few. One of the highlights that I particularly enjoyed was the solo show of the works by the multi-talented Dutch designerHellaJongerius.And the strong collaboration between gallerists and interior designers.
Among the participants: Robert Courturier for Cristina Grajales Gallery; Jonathan Adler for Donzella 20th Century Gallery; David Mann for Maison Gerard; Alan Wanzenberg for 1950; Suchi Reddy for amman//gallery and India Mahdavi for Carwan.
BDDW‘s VIP Lounge
BDDW’s VIP Lounge
May 8 – 11, 2014
Photo credit High End Weekly™
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