Amazing Mythologies From Around The World
Sitting on Fish
“If one of the figures carries a fish they carry the symbol of the cycle of life. From the first day of life, each evolves in a marine and aquatic world. A poetic way to symbolize
the unique character of every person.”
Philippe Brodzi
Beginning Thursday, October 10th, Friedman & Vallois will present the whimsical world of mythology by Belgian artist, Philippe Brodzki. The exhibition “Mythologies”, which consists of some 30 sculptural works in bronze and ceramic will run at the 2nd Floor Gallery until November 23rd, 2013. Busts and figures, with distant facial expressions, are typical of Brodzki’s work in ceramics and evoke the aesthetic of Etruscan mythology. Brodzki celebrates Greek and Roman mythology as he reveals clearly in “The Abduction of Europa” (pictured below). This celebrated, and global artist has been winning the hearts of international critics, and was awarded in 1996 by the International Contemporary Art Prize of the Foundation Prince Pierre of Monaco for his outstanding work.
Philippe’s technique of bronze casting, namely the lost wax technique and sophisticated patinations in the manner of ancient classical sculptors is fascinating and moving, at the same time. In addition his aesthetic and style is often reminiscent of the ancient Chinese art found in Xi’an some years ago.
Friedman & Vallois is located at 27 East 67th Street, New York City. The Opening is on Thursday, October 10th from 5-8PM.
Caroline in turban
Brodzki bird
The abduction of Europa
Copyright images from Philippe Brodzki