Christofle: The Silver Spirit Takes Off
Spring 2013 will mark a year since the venerable french tableware company opened their flagship store on Madison. The art of their trademark designs has ultimately raised the bar for other high end silversmith makers since 1830. But, how have they evolved? Very well from the looks of their latest collections, and from the stellar list of designers, including the late Andree Putman, that keep collaborating with them by making their original design even better. Check out these stunning photographs from Christofle which I have saved for months on end – just for you.
Christofle is an excellent silverware choice for the well appointed house. Although I found their staff a little distant at times, there’s no mistaking the high quality of their products, and their revered heritage. Mise en table, all these elements are a sure crowd pleaser. Christofle is located at 846 Madison Avenue (between 69th and 70th Street), New York City. Tel: 212.308.9390.