Great Designs from Ayala Serfaty

Israeli artist Ayala Serfaty is internationally recognized for her ethereal glass filament and polymer sculptural lighting. We met with Ms. Serfaty, who was visiting Maison Gerard back in 2013 (her work is exclusively represented through that gallery), and found her to be passionate and quite articulate about her work, as she seeks to create new dialogues using ancient materials like silk and glass and pushing them in new directions. The artist has made inroads with collectors and museums around the world including the Victoria & Albert Museum, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Centre de Pompidou and the Cooper Hewitt.
Ayala Serfaty‘sdelicateone-offworksare created by hand in her studio in Israel from thin lamp-work glass with subtle color variations.Whentheworkisfinisheditis sprayed with a special polymer that creates a skin. She has also gained recognition for her anthropomorphic furniture made from wool, linen, silk and other fibers.
Soma Light Sculpture
Soma Light Installation, Beelden aan Zee Museum, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2009
Benoist F. Drut, Ayala Servaty