Here We Go

It gives me great pleasure to share this celebration with all of my old and new friends, our sponsors: Holly at Subarashi Kudamono for the delicious cocktails, Dolores Marianeschi for the Nieto wine, Erik and Cornelia for allowing me to use their beautiful, zen-like gallery. NTDTV for their great coverage, and last but not least, my better half, Michael. During High End Weekly’s first year, I have had so many stories and experiences to tell, so when I look back, there have been a few tears and laughs, a little of expert advice, and friendly conversations.
All of you have added to my dream and in some cases, you’ve challenged me to keep reaching out towards my goal, and to iron out some wrinkles. It’s been a fantastic journey. In the coming years, we will continue to push the boundaries, never get comfortable at our achievements, we aim to dazzle, to defy expectations, we want our readers to reach for the stars, and share the pleasures both great and small. High End Weekly™ will be arranging events, regular High Teas, so that we can meet with new and old friends. We will bring you the best of life and culture, the luxury lifestyle, which includes fine and decorative arts, interior design, fashion, and of course a few surprises.
Dear Vyna,
Your event was beautiful and full with interesting people. Thank you for hosting it and inviting me. It’s always a pleasure to spend time with you. Here is to many years of success to High End Weekly and to you personally.
Vyna St Phard
Thank you my dearest Julie for all your well wishes.
I was thrilled to have you with us.