Industrial Elements in Interiors
Industrial elements recall the 19th century, the era of the Eiffel Tour and advancements in technology that seem antiquated today but were cutting edge for the time.
Hello everyone, I’m Susi and I write as a guest blogger for Design Shuffle, a fabulous social media site that promotes interior designers and their work from around the world. My writing focuses on things I’m passionate about: interior design, decorating ideas, home furnishings, gardening, travel and art. I get to look at gorgeous things all day and write about them. I’m a very lucky girl!
Tete de Litvia
I am thrilled to be invited to write about industrial elements in interiors for High End Weekly™. This is one of my obsessions. And I’m apparently not the only one. The current obsession with all things vintage industrial might have its roots in the Steam Punk movement, which focuses on Victorian era industrial, exploration, and scientific style. Or perhaps it is the result of the current focus on handcrafted and homemade. Industrial style certainly recalls a bygone era.

Decorology via
Industrial elements include tables with metal bases, industrial style lighting, filing cabinets, glass front cabinets, metal stools, bins, boxes and trays. Glass scientific bottles and cloches can be incorporated
with other industrial elements for a scientific spin.

Emmas Designblog via
If you think you haven’t seen industrial design before, look at the current trends in kitchen design. Professional stainless steel ranges, vent hoods, refrigerators and sinks get their designs from commercial kitchens.

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Industrial architectural salvage can be decorative or repurposed. As an integral part of this bathroom’s design, the shower enclosure is made from salvaged factory windows. Gorgeous!

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Industrial chic works well in urban loft environments. Makes sense as many of these lofts are located in former factory buildings. Architectural salvage combined with wood and metal furniture creates an industrial style in this open space.

Anyone, Girl via
Lighting and accessories are perfect elements of industrial style to incorporate into your interior. Industrial lighting, like this jeweler’s lamp, has great style and is very functional. Small objects and curiosities like cogs
make for interesting desk ornaments.

Wisteria via
Vintage or new metal draftsman stools can work in a number of kitchen designs, from contemporary to farmhouse. If you can’t find vintage industrial pieces, a number of big name retailers carry copies.

Restoration Hardware
The newly revamped Restoration Hardware has embraced industrial design, Victorian influenced Steam Punk and a bygone elegance. This content is provided by Design Shuffle, where you can find and share talented interior designs from from New York interior designers, Los Angeles interior designers, and more, check out the latest at Design Shuffle.
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Very interesting and informative post. Love the selection of images as well.
Vyna St Phard
Industrial furniture looks great in the right setting.
Male clients tend to favor them most, and it’s not too surprising to find them in chic home offices. Earlier this fall, I purchased two industrial chairs for a client’s office, but he ended up using them in his sitting room instead. Go figure.
Interior Designs
I just wanted to say thanks again for having us on your blog. And as for your comment about industrial chairs in an office, I couldn’t help but laugh…
Anyway, I hope you are having a fantastic Tuesday.
Design Shuffle
Vyna St Phard
Dear Reyna,
You’re welcome!
Industrial furniture works well in an office setting – as long as it’s for aesthetic reasons. My client was more interested in the design aspects than the practicality issues. Of course, being a partner in a law firm, he got the pick of the prize.