Celebrities, Daniel Day-Lewis, Life and Style, Lincoln, Movies, Steven Spielberg, The Weekender, Time Magazine
Is Daniel Day-Lewis The World’s Greatest Actor?
Academy award actor, Daniel Day-Lewis
There’s been more than 15K books written about Abraham Lincoln. Yet to the general public, Lincoln remains an enigma, the man himself dubbed his persona as “strange”. I wouldn’t pretend to be an expert on Lincoln, but I will say that I know a lot about Daniel Day-Lewis (over the years, I’ve accumulated countless of scrap books about the actor’s personal life, and career). Daniel has been an inspiration, and I’ve admired his acting skills since I was 18 years old. Although I do not have a razor sharp memory of each and every single moments of his earlier films, I found his performances in My Left Foot, The Last of The Mohicans, There Will Be Blood – unforgettable. Even his less known films left a tremendous impact on my view of him. When I look back at his one-liner, tornado force introduction in Gandhi, I knew even then that he was destined for greatness.
And so decades, Daniel Day-Lewis has been called to the world’s stage to show, once again, his immense power as this generation greatest actor (I’m all in agreement with Time Magazine). It makes sense that he went out of his way to pursue the lead role in a film that delves into the portrayal of a president that was revered, and will so far be remembered as the greatest president of all time.
Left: The official movie poster of Lincoln. Right: DDL on the cover of Time Magazine
A Room with A View (Daniel Day-Lewis shaking hands with Helena Bonham Carter)
Daniel Day-Lewis
The Age of Innocence: Michelle Pfeiffer, and Daniel Day-Lewis
Daniel Day-Lewis as Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood
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