Memorable Actors: The Twiggy Effect
New York Fashion week is over and done with, and yours truly is thankful for that fact – most of us have already move on to London! Last week, some notable fresh faces went down the runway, and this brought a moment of “repose” as I reflected on an iconic figure from the 1960s named Twiggy. Many of us, are already familiar with her, and know that Twiggy is an actor, model and businesswoman, who embodied style and grace. How grateful I am that even in the 21st Century, she is still in the midst of fashion!
Lesley Hornby, better known as Twiggy Lawson
What strikes me the most about Twiggy is that she has remained strong and confident throughout her career, and her popularity hasn’t waned as seasons passed. This is quite a feat considering that most models and actors usually do not experience this outcome. Yes, she was and still is a role model for many people in the entertainment and fashion industries. Her good girl image remained unchallenged, even ’till this day. She is an advocate against drugs, and a leading animal activist. In numerous occasions, Twiggy has spoken out against the trend of waif-thin models, explaining that her own thin weight as a teenager was natural. “I was very skinny, but that was just my natural build. I always ate sensibly – being thin was in my genes.” Back then, even Diana Vrelland, of Vogue Magazine, counted herself as a fan by saying: “She’s no flash in the pan. She is the mini-girl in the mini-era. She’s delicious looking.”
Higher Grounds
Above: Twiggy with Richard Avedon
Above: Twiggy with Richard Avedon
In the heights of the 60s, Twiggy was flying high as a top model, and kept her style as “young and elegant”.
She was named “The Face of 1966” by the Daily Express in England.
Left: Twiggy was able to retire from fashion at the ripe old age of 19, but by then, she was well and truly rich and famous. She later proved to be a true businesswoman. Right: Twiggy in the movie: The Boy Friend, 1971.
What is the Twiggy Signature Look?
Left: French Fashion Designer, Yves St Laurent wool dress, fall/winter 1965–1966. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of Mrs. William Rand, 1969 (C.I.69.23). Right: That famous hair breaded do which is so often duplicated by models today – yet, no one took it to the same level as Twiggy did.
Of Note: Yves St. Laurent, began showing shorter skirts in his fall/winter 1965 collection, including his famous “Mondrian” dress which was inspired by the work of painter Piet Mondrian. The designer, and his contemporaries continued with that trend throughout the 1960s, although he became more famous during this period for introducing the concept of the formal trouser suit for women into haute couture.
Woman on top
Twiggy at 60 still remains in the forefront for women of her age. According to Wikipedia, she was “The only one of the famous celebrities to survive being cut from the Mark & Spencer fashion team in 2010”.
Photo courtesy: Bryan Adams
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