Tête-à-Tête with Renowned Interior Designer, Geoffrey Bradfield

Geoffrey Bradfield: I try to get to all the major fairs each year. It is very important to remain current in our industry. Masterpiece London is a major event. My clients always seek quality and innovation. Masterpiece delivers both.
HEW: How long has it been around?
GB: I am honored to be on the American Patron Committee since its conception 4 years ago.
GB: Marilyn White has been the driving force behind capturing the American interest in Masterpiece. And yes, the fair has had the foresight and continues to introduce and attract new dealers every year. This is a very important factor, as illustrated by the demise of Grosvenor, which, although prestigious, failed to move with the times.
HEW: Is Masterpiece London all about fine and decorative arts?
GB: Masterpiece London encompasses all the decorative arts. It has a very fresh approach and projection. Their image captures the 21st Century spirit of Inclusion.
HEW: High End Weekly was proud to feature your last book, A 21st Century Palace, and it was one of our most popular post. Is there a new book in the future?
GB: Thank you very much for your excellent review of our earlier book, A 21st Century Palace. We are very pleased to report that our next book, titled Artistic License, is due this Fall. Because of our presence in Asia, which has expanded enormously, it is being published both in Chinese and in English. My company’s work is predicated, to a large extent, on the use of contemporary art. Thus, the subject of the book is about the joy of collecting and using Art in one’s interiors.